Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Got a major headache today! I attempted to go without my caffeinated coffee this morning and BAM! ...headache central. What was I thinking?!?!? How pathetic am I that I have to have caffeine to jump-start my day?

It probably doesn't help that I've been dealing with condescending jerks today either. I normally have patience for "that type of person" but NOT today.

I can't wait until tomorrow! It's our 5th anniversary and I'm taking a vacation day on Friday so we can go to our special anniversary spot. No kids, No stress, No work....BLISS. I will miss the kids, especially Nicholas, but parents have to take care of their marriage, right?

The last five years have been extremely difficult but extremely fulfilling at the same time. My husband and I have handled unbelieveable stress, including custody battles (FOUR), loss of employment (for 3 years!), foreclosure, health issues, etc. There is NO DOUBT in my mind whatsoever, that most marriages could not endure the trials and hardships we have been through. I can't say I haven't thought about just "walking away" when things seemed unbearable, but I knew that God was ultimately in control of our lives and our situation. I cling to the promise that "all things work together for good..."

Actually I try to remember that every day.......

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