Friday, June 20, 2008


Friday has finally made it here! It seems as though it's been a long week---

Here are today's random numbers:

5,280 pounds of material delivered to my house yesterday from Lowes

4 times my sweet hubby had to go to Home Depot while trying to fix the shower faucet. [He persevered and it works!!]

8 times my son, Nick, asked to ride his bike then play baseball in the front yard

8 times I told my son to "Wait!" lol

1.7 miles I ran last night before my foot starting hurting. Ugh.

1 (a.m.) is the time I have to be at the church to pick up the boys from camp

7 hours of driving to go to my family reunion tomorrow. Don't really want to go, but I know how much it means to Dad.

120 dollars to fill up my gas tank [outrageous!]

24 cuss words from my boss' mouth when he called me from the airport in Paris on his way to Athens, Greece....he was just a little upset at American Airlines......

That's all for now!


Kristi Smalley said...

What a clever blog idea! I may have to steal this idea one of these days. Have fun at the reunion. I'm glad to know that the 24 cuss words came from your boss and not you. I was a little nervous there. LOL!

Kristi Smalley said...

What a clever blog idea! I may have to steal this idea one of these days. Have fun at the reunion. I'm glad to know that the 24 cuss words came from your boss and not you. I was a little nervous there. LOL!

Wen Wen said...

Ton Ton you have amazed me once again. I am really digging the random number thing. I might have to try that one too. What do you drive these days that takes $120 to fill up???? I think the 2010 thing is too cute!!

Molly said...

I too love the number thing. But really Krisit, do you really need to post the same thing twice? Is that in case we did not read it the first time? :)