Thanks to my friend, Lori, I am now sucked into the Twilight series. If you know me, you understand the irony in that sentence. Historically, I am not your average "girl"--I'd say I'm more of a tomboy, but one that wears make-up and cares about what she looks like. Other than that qualification, I am usually the exception. I don't care for fru-fru stuff, I can't stand to shop (only when necessary), I love athletics more than watching t.v., and I would pick a good basketball game over pretty much anything.
Anyway, my friend started talking about the Twilight series about a year ago. I didn't think anything of it. Then, the movie was announced. She immediately started getting a group of girls together to go to the midnight showing on the first day it was released. I seriously laughed and thought she was crazy. Afterwards, I heard about how WONDERFUL the movie was multiple times, but was quickly told is paled in comparison to the book. Again, I didn't think anything about it--not for me.
My daughter had a birthday a couple weeks ago and was given the movie as a gift. She begged me for several days to watch it with her--but I declined. Finally, she and I were the only ones home one afternoon and I agreed to watch it with her. She promptly fell asleep (slumber party the night before!), but I continued to watch. Really--it WAS a good movie. A little on the eerie/outlandish side, but nonetheless good.
The next day I decided to take a break from my normal routine (craziness) and sit and read a good book. She brought me the Twilight book and told me I should read it. This challenged me to see if the book actually was better than the movie. Suffice it to say, I read the book in about two days. [I love to read, just don't normally have the time...] And it was better... Sunday we went to Lori's house and she gave me the next book in the series, New Moon. I started reading it Monday and will finish it up tonight. It's good, too....and, I'll probably be part of the next "group of girls" that drags their butts to the movie theatre at midnight-----
Tona, oh no you di'unt!!!! I can't believe all the hysteria over vampires. Nothing about it appeals to me but it must be good for so many people to be nuts about it. I might have to sneak off to Redbox and rent the darn thing.
The books are way better than the fact...I laughed all the way thru the movie. But then the people that saw the movie first, said it was the best movie ever. I guess when you read the books it always ruins the movie. They are never as good as the books. have fun.....I didn't get anything done while reading that hubby was about to kill me! :)
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