Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Overwhelmed. . .

Just returned from Dr. Fertility's office and feel completely overwhelmed. What used to be a VERY simple process for me (I am fertile-myrtle), is not anymore. When the doctor was talking with us, he went into detail everything that would occur if we decided to proceed. Let's just say that we must take some time to digest everything.

Ultimately, I MUST give this situation to God. He is in control, no matter how much I like to think that I am. I'll post some more later--got to put my arms around this today.


Shari said...

It can be overwhelming, can't it? Just take it a day at a time - you'll be so happy you tried to have a baby. It'll all be worth it! Shari

Jennifer said...

Wow Tona, a lot to take in, but I know you'll make the right decision. Don't make me be the only "oldie" having babies? :)

Fitafter4 said...

Thanks for the support, ladies! Hubby and I have been talking A LOT about it...just waiting for clarification from above.
Jen - you are NOT old, just mature. LOL

Kristi Smalley said...

Yes, do it!!! We can all be members of the AMA CLUB a.k.a. Advance Maternal Age Club. Just think, when our kids go on field trips, we will get discounts on parking and food with our AARP cards. LOL!