Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Camp is Over ~ the kids are home!

I mentioned in my post on Friday that I was to pick up the boys from camp around 1:00 a.m. Well ~ they actually pulled into the parking lot at 3:15 a.m.!!!! They were tired, smelly and, quite frankly, a little grumpy. [how is that different than any other day??]

When Jake was walking towards the car, I noticed he was limping. I asked him why and he said he had scraped the top of his foot playing basketball. I found that puzzling since you normally wear shoes while playing basketball....

Tyler was fine--just a little tired.

Anyway ~ we finally gather all their stuff and headed home. We arrived about 3:45 a.m. Jake stopped me on the stairs and asked me to take a look at his foot. OH MY GOODNESS! Not only was the "small scrape" infected, he had a serious case of sun poisoning in his feet and they were swollen almost twice their normal size! He had put sunscreen on his whole body, but forgot his feet. So, needless to say, his feet got sunburned and he didn't wear shoes all week (which meant he got MORE sun on his sunburn...duh). Actually, the whole barefoot thing was normal. The camp is right on the beach, so everything they did was in the sand. The basketball courts are outside, too, so naturally, he didn't wear shoes to play.

He seemed rather blase about the whole thing so I didn't want to overreact. Needless to say, at 4am I was looking for the hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointment and bandaids.

I finally fell asleep about 4:45 a.m. only to be awakened at 5:45 a.m. to leave for our family reunion. [for you non-math geniuses, that's ONE hour later lol] It was very difficult to get up and get going and even more difficult to get the boys out of bed! I had prepped them before they even left for camp on this scenario. They put their big, tired, smelly bodies in the car along with mounds of pillows and blankets. They were back asleep before we even backed out of the driveway.

The family reunion was non-eventful [boring!] It was nice seeing everyone, but honestly, I could have done without it. Due to Jake's swollen feet, he was unable to wear any shoes. I'm sure we were a real sight to see. All of us (except Nick, of course!) were exhausted--and part of us were quite fragrant (not!). I'm surprised my relatives didn't feel compelled to take up a donation for our low class, smelly family! LOL At one point, I looked over at Tyler and he was asleep sitting up. Jake was sprawled out on two chairs asleep. We were quite the entertainment.

Will post more later.


Kristi Smalley said...

Oh, this post is hilarious. It brings back some very vivid memories of a special someone being pushed around Disneyworld in a wheelchair while their ankles and feet were swollen up like watermelons. HA! It must run in the family.

Well, I'm glad you got your "white-trash, hillbilly" self home in one piece and can take care of your family's hygiene problems. LOL!

Kristi Smalley said...
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Kristi Smalley said...

I don't know why my comments always duplicate on your site so I have to delete one.

Anyway, you didn't mention it on your post but it is not an "official" family reunion until you have been kissed right on the mouth by at least one old woman with wet lips. Just a thought.

Molly said...

Wow that sounds fun! We are at a family reunion now and WOW is all I can really say about it. This has ben the first time in about 5 years that we have all been together - now I remember very clearly why it is that we wait so long.

Wen Wen said...

Oh that does bring back Disneyworld memories!! Kris and I got so sunburned and were miserable!! We all look like lobsters in those pics!! We dont' really have family reunions because my dad only has 2 brothers with no kids and momma just had Uncle Mike. I can't say that I fee like I have missed out in that area of life!!!