Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All He Wants is My Time...

On the way to work this morning, I listened to the WORDfm 100.7. This is unusual for me, because I'm such a music nut. I felt the Lord speaking to me to turn it I did. Whew---did I feel convicted! The speaker was talking about how God is not impressed by our talents, our abilities, our outgoing personalities, etc. What He wants is our time! The only way to do that is to be in His Word and pray.

I think I have mentioned before about my struggles to stay in God's Word. It's more of a mental block for me. I grew up with "Bible drills", church 3 times a week, and the "read the Bible before your feet hit the floor" mentality. For those that know me, I'm NOT a morning person. I had a hard time understanding WHY I had to read the Bible first - even when I'm not awake yet! The speaker on the radio emphasized that God wants our time---whenever that is. We just have to be disciplined. He challenged us (me) to focus on Bible time for 7 days in a row. So--I'm going to rise to the challenge! [I can tell you it won't be first thing in the morning, though!]


Jennifer said...

Your struggle sounds like mine...thanks for the conviction...I need to be SO much better about this too!

Kristi Smalley said...

Tona, you gave me the nudge that I needed. I used to be so regular about my devotions but they have become so sporadic lately. I have felt so bad because I can tell the difference in myself since I have not been in the Word. Thanks for that nudge.

I laughed at your description. I always read my Bible before I went to sleep at night and felt SOOOO much condemnation b/c "his mercies are new every morning" not "every evening". Oh the condemnation!

FitAfter4 said...

To my faithful blog readers (Kris/Jen) condemnation has come unto you that you are not able to bear....LOL
Kris, you're so funny.