Wednesday, September 27, 2006

09.27.06's here. I am officially 37 years of age. Where did the time go? I was just hanging out in the halls of the high school! Poof--I turn around and I'm middle-aged with a family! Goodness...........

I must admit, though, I feel pretty good physically. I'm in much better shape NOW as compared to 8 to 10 years ago! I still weigh just a tad more than I'd like, but my energy level is great and my clothes fit. I get complimented all the time regarding my youthful looks. I can certainly keep up with my kids...and that's important when you have such a range of ages.

My two older boys had football games last night. It's incredible to see your kids mature and start "kicking butt" on the field. I never thought I'd cheer my child on when he was getting in a fight! Actually and truthfully, he was simply defending himself. The other team kept trying to run over him (he plays right tackle), but he stood his ground. Either way, I would have still been proud. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see son #2 play. By the time I arrived, the "zero quarter" was over and the game had begun. [Zero quarter allows players to get field time that would not normally get to play.] My son has played in the actual game before, but not often. He's new to football, so he's just learning.

Had a great lunch today with hubby. He took me to Maggiano's -- one of my favorites! I love their salad; it's incredible. The company wasn't too bad either! My hubby's so sweet..........

Tonight is MOPS, so it will be nice to have a small break from kids. I always enjoy learning from older ladies who have been through the Toddler years. They have much real world experience to build on.

Well--I guess I'll sign off for now. Ya know, when you get this old, your fingers can't type as long........

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