Monday, December 11, 2006

Random Numbers for the Week

Here are my random numbers for the week (so far!):

41 - Number of minutes I was late to work! Left the house late and had a parking lot on George Bush Freeway.

2 - Weeks until Christmas!

3 - number of gifts bought...

1 - paycheck left until Christmas.

99 - dollars spent on new Christmas tree. HAD to buy one this year. Fortunately, we found a great deal at Lowes for a pre-lit tree.

10 - number of loads of laundry I have to do tonight!

0 - number of my niece/nephews' basketball games I've been to this year. Gonna try to make one very soon.

2 - helpings of dinner I had at our ABF Christmas party last night. The food was catered and was DELICIOUS!

41 - percentage of space used on TIVO; I must catch up on all my shows!

670 - miles to travel at Christmas to see family!

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