Friday, December 08, 2006

Weirdness galore...

In another blog, I noticed an interesting topic:
List six (6) things about yourself that might be considered weird or unique. This prompted me to contemplate what I would consider those 6 things to be and quite frankly, I don't know! Regardless, here is my attempt:

1) I love sushi; however, I can ONLY eat it in the evenings. Why? I don't know. How do I know this? My husband took me to have sushi for lunch one day and it just didn't taste good. I eve felt a little naseau. Had it the next day at dinner---loved it. In fact, that's happened a couple of times. Weird?

2) I CAN'T STAND to unload the dishwasher----but I can load it all day!

3) I am a "coffee snob". There--I said it. I prefer only high quality, artsy-fartsy coffee. Basically, you'll never see me drinking coffee out of the office coffee pot. Yuck. No can do. Maybe I'm this way because I didn't start drinking coffee until I was 34 years old!

4) I could travel around basically every weekend! I love making little road trips and staying in quaint little hotels. I love finding neat little out-of-the-way places to tell others about.

5) I want to go back to school, but I'm too chicken. I've been considering it for several years, but I'm so out of practice as far as studying and retaining (key word), I'm afraid of failure.

6) I'm scared to death about forgetting people's names in public! For instance, I'm introducing my husband to someone I work with and, BAM!, their name is totally lost! I would almost say I am somewhat compulsive in my fear of it. Not sure where it stems from...

Well, that was my stab at it. Who knows, I might add more as I contemplate longer.

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